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Hello beautiful people. Well, holy shit. Here we are in April and I’ve neglected to update y’all on my small business in MONTHS! Shame on me. Well, sort of shame on me. In reality, there really hasn’t been much to report on the business front, so I’ve been pretty quiet. I’ve also been pretty busy with personal stuff (ya know, like moving, playing a lot of Rock Band, going on a family vacation and working my OTHER job), so I haven’t had my normal amount of time to focus on my business. THAT’S where you should say shame on me! When you’re an entrepreneur you really need to step up your game and I’ve been sitting on the bench ignoring the game.😬

Anyways, now that life is settling back into a normal routine, I’m putting serious focus on getting my business back to the forefront. That means more social media posts, more website updates, more new products and an overall increase in communication! So hopefully you’ll be seeing and hearing from me more and more in the coming weeks and months. To start, I just finished creating a couple of new Mother’s Day cards. I know it’s pretty darn close to Mother’s Day for you wholesale accounts, but if you order ASAP (as in this week), I promise to ship as soon as freaking possible. For you regular folk that don’t own or buy for small greeting card stores, you can buy your mom a Mother’s Day card right up until about May 6th.

Don’t care about your mom? Don’t have a mom? Well I got other cards for other occasions, so be sure to browse around. Plan ahead for the Birthdays and Weddings and New Babies that are coming up in the coming weeks and months.

I think that’s it for now. Have anything you’d like me to focus my attention on? Let me know!

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