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I’ve been working on a new line of cards and I just posted the first string on my site the other day!  You’ll see that the sense of humour is the same, but the layout and delivery are a new take for me. So far there are only a couple of Birthday and New Baby designs, but I’ll be adding new designs as they’re created. 😊  (The creative process for me is weird one – so there might be a few more added before the end of the day OR it may take me a month just to add one or two.)  If you have any thoughts or opinions on the new cards, I’d love to hear them! Go ahead and reply to this post, send me an email or DM me on my socials.

In other fun news (at least for fellow LEGO lovers), I recently did a portrait of my family as LEGO minifigures and after making a casual offer to turn other families into LEGO, I did my first custom portrait last week! It was so much fun and my client tells me that she loves her portrait (which she’s gifting to her husband for Father’s Day.) So if you happen to be a fan of LEGO (or are close to one), feel free to reach out to me to see how you can get your own custom portrait done. It’s $30/person or pet and it includes custom clothes/features/etc, plus if you’re in Canada, I’ll even mail you an 8″x10″ copy of your print (I can do larger, but it’ll cost a little extra).  (This is a Nikki side project, so you can’t make the purchase on my site, but you can contact me through my site if that’s easiest).

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