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3. Go out of your way to purchase them a birthday card in advance. Write a message, sign your name and mail or hand deliver the card to the birthday person.
(Yes, this piece of paper that you spent money on will end up getting tossed, but the birthday person will know that, without a doubt, you are better than the folks that only did #1 or #2.)

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How to Wish Someone a Happy Birthday.
1. You see them and you say “Happy Birthday.”
2. You send them a message on social media.


3. Go out of your way to purchase them a birthday card in advance. Write a message, sign your name and mail or hand deliver the card to the birthday person.
(Yes, this piece of paper that you spent money on will end up getting tossed, but the birthday person will know that, without a doubt, you are better than the folks that only did #1 or #2.)


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc orci, malesuada id consequat commodo, luctus at purus. Integer nec velit lectus. Sed eros nisi, commodo vel sapien sit amet, lobortis venenatis sapien. Mauris eu fermentum eros, ut ornare sapien.


Pellentesque faucibus enim sed commodo malesuada. Nulla ornare eleifend erat. Ut vel odio purus. Aenean ornare dapibus leo, eget vulputate ipsum placerat at. Maecenas vel turpis nisi. Vivamus mi tellus, dapibus eu interdum ultricies, mattis ac orci.


Nullam nec metus a lorem blandit malesuada eget a massa. Maecenas pellentesque urna nec maximus scelerisque. Nunc vitae vulputate erat. Donec sollicitudin dolor ac nisi dictum, at fermentum elit maximus. Curabitur vel consequat ipsum. Vestibulum vel tortor volutpat, lobortis nibh congue, feugiat sem. Curabitur sit amet sodales metus.


Donec a lacinia ex, rhoncus hendrerit lectus. Suspendisse sed quam porta tortor rhoncus finibus vel auctor odio. Donec lobortis interdum tellus, at tempus neque malesuada at. Integer tellus turpis, varius eu ligula eu, sodales finibus erat. Nulla vitae luctus nulla. Ut laoreet quam ipsum, ut blandit metus vulputate sed. Donec hendrerit dignissim erat, sit amet suscipit justo.

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Free standard delivery on orders over $100


3. Go out of your way to purchase them a birthday card in advance. Write a message, sign your name and mail or hand deliver the card to the birthday person.
(Yes, this piece of paper that you spent money on will end up getting tossed, but the birthday person will know that, without a doubt, you are better than the folks that only did #1 or #2.)

SKU S BD1-004 Categories , Tags ,
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No products were found for this query.


How to Wish Someone a Happy Birthday.
1. You see them and you say “Happy Birthday.”
2. You send them a message on social media.


3. Go out of your way to purchase them a birthday card in advance. Write a message, sign your name and mail or hand deliver the card to the birthday person.
(Yes, this piece of paper that you spent money on will end up getting tossed, but the birthday person will know that, without a doubt, you are better than the folks that only did #1 or #2.)


There are no reviews yet.

Be the first to review “SNAIL MAIL IS THE BEST”

Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Delivery & Returns

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc orci, malesuada id consequat commodo, luctus at purus. Integer nec velit lectus. Sed eros nisi, commodo vel sapien sit amet, lobortis venenatis sapien. Mauris eu fermentum eros, ut ornare sapien.


Pellentesque faucibus enim sed commodo malesuada. Nulla ornare eleifend erat. Ut vel odio purus. Aenean ornare dapibus leo, eget vulputate ipsum placerat at. Maecenas vel turpis nisi. Vivamus mi tellus, dapibus eu interdum ultricies, mattis ac orci.


Nullam nec metus a lorem blandit malesuada eget a massa. Maecenas pellentesque urna nec maximus scelerisque. Nunc vitae vulputate erat. Donec sollicitudin dolor ac nisi dictum, at fermentum elit maximus. Curabitur vel consequat ipsum. Vestibulum vel tortor volutpat, lobortis nibh congue, feugiat sem. Curabitur sit amet sodales metus.


Donec a lacinia ex, rhoncus hendrerit lectus. Suspendisse sed quam porta tortor rhoncus finibus vel auctor odio. Donec lobortis interdum tellus, at tempus neque malesuada at. Integer tellus turpis, varius eu ligula eu, sodales finibus erat. Nulla vitae luctus nulla. Ut laoreet quam ipsum, ut blandit metus vulputate sed. Donec hendrerit dignissim erat, sit amet suscipit justo.

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