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Every Damn Year

You might hate me for saying this, but before we know it Christmas will be here! Here at the hug and kiss headquarters we've been working on Christmas since late spring… So we're going to be prepared for the busy season… At least mostly prepared. What about you? How many freaks have started their shopping already? There's always a few. Anyway, we bring it up because our calendars are still at a special pre-order price of $15.00 each! But that's going to change real soon! In the next few weeks we'll be cutting and punching and coiling and shrink wrapping our little buns off getting the 2016 wall calendars ready. Once that happens, they won't be pre-orders anymore and you'll be paying $20 a piece (still a killer deal for how awesome they are!). Anyway, order soon and save…. Plus guarantee that you'll get one. We aren't making many, so they're probably going to sell out. 

We just sent them to the printer a few days ago, so there's not much time left…

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Every once in awhile we send an email. It’s usually about new products, special sales and whatever else people may (or may not) find interesting.