You should follow us on social media. We like attention.

Make It Vancouver

Right now we're in Vancouver for the Make It Show at the PNE Forum…. If you live in the vicinity (by which I mean the Vancouver/Fraser Valley area) and you've never been you should honestly drop your weekend plans to come check it out! Yeah, sure we're there and we're fucking awesome, but there are so many other amazingly talented artists making jewelry and pottery and baby clothes and wall decals and bodycare products and food… It's incredible.  Anyway, when we set up our booth at shows, it looks like the picture above… Every now and then people ask? "What's behind the curtain?" Sure, we keep extra cards back there, but primarily it's where we keep our collection of x-rated VHS tapes (for sales or rentals) and where we operate our illegal grow-op. There's also a special section for farting and nose-picking. Must be 18+ to enter. So there, now you know. 

Signup for Sales & Promotions

Every once in awhile we send an email. It’s usually about new products, special sales and whatever else people may (or may not) find interesting.