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So, we all know things suck right now and it’s easy to feel useless when all you can do to help is stay home (unless you’re one of those GODS in the medical field or other essential service that keeps us going.  For you folks, a huge THANK YOU!!!). But seriously, staying home is helping – so keep it up!

In my last post I wrote about how I believe laughter is the best medicine and I’ve done a little research on the claim. Turns out laughter actually has several health benefits! So take a break from watching the news or binging Netflix and read some of my cards! When you visit my site or social media it makes me feel useful AND it helps YOUR health. (I feel like Ralph from the Simpsons… “I’m helping.”)  If you find something hilarious somewhere else – share with me please! (Social media links at top of page)

Small businesses are facing a challenging time and I’m not going to lie – Hug and Kiss Designs is one of them! As a result I’ve had to make some changes to the way I handle my little company. Most notably is the way I handle my inventory.  Normally when I run out of a particular card, I print more.  That has stopped (which really sucks for my print shop friends!) I’m in the process of counting my inventory and updating the numbers on my site.  As it stands, I’m sold out of some of my top sellers and I have no clue if or when I may have more made. Other cards only have a copy or two, while others have plenty! If you’d like to check the stock of your favourite cards, just click on them to see the details.

As I continue to count my stock and update the site, I’m finding damaged cards. Cards that have traveled to and from shows, dry humping against another card, leaving rub marks or cards that got a weird dot on them when they were printed.  Don’t get me wrong, they’re not in bad shape, in all honesty, most people probably wouldn’t even notice the damage on some of them… either way, I don’t feel right charging full price for them.  I’ve decided to mark these cards as “DAMAGED GOODS” and sell them super cheap. They’ll be sold in mixed bags 10 cards for $5 (that’s 50 cents each!)  They’ll be up here soon.

Right now small businesses are begging for your support!  If you happen to be in the market for some greeting cards, I’m begging you to think about me (and NOT Amazon) and to entice you, I’m offering a discount.  For the whole of April you can get 25% off everything on the site (cards, magnets, coasters, banners, shirts, sale items, etc.)!  Just use the coupon code “assholevirus”.  I assure you the cards are coming from a clean and safe office. (The only contaminate around here is my dirty mind.) I plan to ship worldwide as long as the service is available. Want me to write in a card and ship a card to someone else? Cool, I can do that. Just let me know.  Mother’s Day is coming up on May 10th, so be sure to think about those orders sooner rather than later!  For you super fans, I made new Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Parenting cards before the coronavirus shitstorm started.
Okay, that’s it. I hope that you’re all doing well and doing your part to stop the spread of this fucking virus.
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